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The time to awaken is now

What is there to know about 2012?

All the changes now occurring are in preparation for the cataclysmic shift that 2012 will bring both in the landscape of the earth and in the consciousness of man. In fact, the shift of consciousness is already underway and the result of the infusion of the next dimension of consciousness will determine the degree to which the earth changes disrupt the status quo.

Time is growing shorter and the call for awakening is more insistent. The time to awaken is now. It is by virtue of elevated awareness that the hope of humanity may blossom into the glorious presence it was always intended to be. This is the time of reckoning, the time when humanity has the opportunity to transcend the limits of the Newtonian universe and vault into a quantum world bound only by the far reaches of mind. This crossing into a realm of expanded possibility will birth a new evolutionary phase and herald a new dimension of human experience.

One of the definitions of “cataclysm” is flood. Are we to anticipate a great flood in 2012?

You already have indications of the rising of the waters.

That’s a pretty ominous response. Is there more you can say about that?

All is choice. The choice is to step beyond the limitations of your physical mantle to connect with and know the essence that you are, to reconnect with the aspect of self which is timeless, and everpresent. Truly connecting with this aspect of being creates a shift in your material presence, raising the vibratory rate of your physical body and freeing you from the limitations of the gross materiality to which all humanity has been subject.

Each instance of such connection is a movement toward en-light-enment, for that is your true essence. You are beings of light bound by a crystalization of light into matter. Each moment of remembering and connection brings you closer to renewal, to unleashing the essence of spirit that you are and freeing yourself to inhabit the dimension of creative life expression that is the original intention for your species.

This is the path to freedom, knowing yourself in the truth of your being, knowing the spirit of light that you are. This is the call from generations throughout time, to rise to the purpose to which they have all been in service.

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