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Your power is in your courage to face the truth without judgment

What of the intensity of emotion lately and the disruption of patterns?

You have indeed put yourself on a fast track to awakening. The new energies that are coursing through you are burning away old patterns as if burning through plaque in your arteries, allowing greater flow of life force and light to surge throughout your field. These changes are working from the inside out, cleansing from the bottom up. Again it is imperative that you confirm for yourself your knowing that destruction precedes creation, that the old must fall away in order for the new to have ground from which to take hold.

The work you are doing is fruitful for you, stripping away the deepest programmed patterns of identity. You have dislodged your identification with suffering and disappointment, shaking loose the keystones in order that the structure may crumble. The sense of self that was bound to a knowing of self as flawed, as less than the perfect expression of light and love that you have come here to be, is giving way to the brilliant power of love that you are. You are systematically removing the masks that have been conditioned over time, like costumes and roles that have been laid over your essential nature to serve as camouflage until the time was right to emerge from your self imposed exile. You are in a true sense a shape-shifter, remaking yourself as you move from one dimension of being to another, releasing all the identities that have held you hostage, that have truly kept you from knowing yourself – these you are stripping away. The light of non-judgment is enabling you to see what has until this time been so complete a presence in your life as to have been imperceptible; woven so pervasively throughout the fabric of your awareness that the threads themselves were never perceived. Thread by thread, you are unraveling the cloth of the shroud that has kept you from knowing of your true nature. With each thread that you are able to remove from the fabric, more and more light is able to shine through.

We know your experience of this time has been less than comfortable. As the familiar falls away, there is a period of acclimation, a time for one’s eyes to adjust when emerging from darkness into light. Be gentle with yourself while remaining vigilant in exposing all the dark corners. This is a time of clearing, a time of illusions falling away, a time of reclamation, where your power is in your courage to face the truth without judgment, and to dismantle the artifice that has been your representation of yourself until the most recent past.

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