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This is a critical moment – a momentous time for the expression of free will

There is a battle being waged. It is a battle for souls. The earth is moving into a time of transition where worlds converge, timelines collapse, matter rearranges, and possibility expands. The veil of illusion is thinning and the bleed-through of truth will cause great disruption of long-standing thoughtforms. As truth meets illusion, there will be much disorientation – much confusion as to what’s real. As you bear more conscious witness to your hand in the shaping of experience, you will be faced with undeniable evidence that the reality you have perceived is purely of your creation. More and more, you will observe your influence; more and more you will recognize your projections. More and more you will have the experience of the artifice showing itself and the crumbling of what you had imagined as truth.

This will cause great disruption of being for many of you who have become acclimated to the myth of your powerlessness. This will cause great discomfort for many who have entrenched themselves in a self-definition of victimhood. This disruption and disorientation, and the profound awareness that indeed you are and have always been the originators of your own experiences, the authors of the dramas of your own lives – this profound awareness of personal responsibility – will throw many of you into a crisis of denial. Many of you will be desperate to absolve yourselves of the responsibility for the drama of your lives and will willingly abdicate your role as creator by empowering other forces to direct your fate.

This is a critical moment – a momentous time for the expression of free will. In accepting fully the truth that you have authored the magnificent stories that are your lives, that you have crafted each character, tailored each scene, that each word uttered throughout your life by every actor in your life’s drama was spoken by you – in accepting your magnificence and in knowing that all of it has been of your making – you win the right to become aligned with your greater truth. You have the opportunity to elevate your consciousness, elevate all of humanity, the planet, the cosmos. Attachment to the theater of your life as a fabric of truth – believing that you are subject to the drama and denying ownership of your dominion – opens a door to the final loss of your free will. You can choose to come into conscious awareness of your role in the creation of your world or you can descend into a realm in which you have relinquished the freedom to choose your ultimate destiny.

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