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Each moment holds the possibility of epiphany

The physical manifestation you call your self arises from the perpetuation of a thoughtform that is a collectively generated entity. By agreement of the collective with the personal perception and identification, certain patterns of expression are held in place.

Release and transcendence of these patterns is a function of consciousness. A shift in consciousness has potential to shift the physical. The trick in precipitating such a shift is in liberating oneself from the influence of continuous reinforcement of the defining thoughtform through a reorientation of self-perception – a redefinition that occurs in a space outside of time and its limitations.

Access to the pivot point around which experience of the physical experience arises is found in the convergence of the silence with a new vision of self that is discontinuous with an historical pattern. This convergence results in a shattering – a dismantling of the preponderant pattern that then is replaced with the emergent pattern. The shattering occurs in a moment but requires that the new throughtform, present in the form of a seed of profound possibility, be recognized and internalized. Each moment holds the possibility of epiphany.

The world and the experience of it – in every  facet – from experience of oneself – always beginning with experience of oneself – to experience of time and physicality – all of it is a function of a blended thoughtform – a collective agreement. The will of the soul can at any given moment – a moment outside of time – direct and redefine the thoughtform that is operative to create a new direction. The will of the soul to emerge in its expression infiltrates consciousness, to drive it beyond the constraints imposed by the controlling influences, to transcend the limits of the prevailing reality. Freedom arises from the moment of stillness that connects to soul source to touch the heart of the impulse to fulfill its expression of love and light.

1 comment to Each moment holds the possibility of epiphany

  • Hi Mira,
    It was such a wonderful treat to run into you at the Expo in the spring. I have to tell you that I misplaced your card after seeing you at the Expo, and again could not remember your web address. Last week I was cleaning my email boxes and saw that I had emailed myself your address. All week I have been finding my mind repeating your address. This morning it was so strong that I logged on, and this was the perfect message for me– opening my awareness to a higher level of understanding. It is fascinating, profound, and so very helpful. I am about to begin Day2 of a 3 day Cranial Temple Activation workshop, and I think this message that you channeled is going to be very valuable for me in opening to the activations and information I experience over the coming days. Thank you so much! This is beautiful. Love & Blessings, Mary