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Imagine time as a field within which experience occurs

Shall we talk about the structure of time and how it relates to our perception of reality?

The notion of time is inseparable from your reality construct. Imagine the motion of a gyroscope* with many cycles of motion revolving one into another. These are the dimensions of time that are integral to the structure of reality as you experience it. These orbits of time act as forces governing dimensions of experience. The thing you must know is that these forces are not fixed, they are not immutable, nor are they impenetrable. In other words, the structure of time can be penetrated. At the foundational level of consciousness, it is an overlay on experience that enables you to create an illusion of linearity by which you order your world.

That said, like your understanding of the orbitals of electrons in an atom, the varying facets of time have different forms and do not each progress in the linear way in which you typically experience the progression of events. It is in fact your mind that assembles experience sequentially and this is not an accurate reflection of the reality. So these different facets of time as an influence exist simultaneously, interacting with one another, intersecting and constantly in motion. So imagine time as a field within which experience occurs. Consciousness interfaces with these time energy fields to interpret a linear experience.

Consciousness can be at the effect of these influences or at a certain point of awakening, consciousness can move through the various time states at will. At this point, time itself disappears as a governing force and experience becomes multidimensional. The future recreates the past and the present expresses the future. The experience of the various realms of time collapse to be fully accessible. In fact, it is simply a matter of awareness that dictates the accessibility of the many faces of time.

I’m confused. Are you saying that the experience of time as linear is tied to a particular “orbital” of time and that a shift of consciousness enables us to transcend the linear experience of that “default” orbital?

Transcend is not exactly the right word. A shift of consciousness enables access to an experience of the non-linearity of time. Through a shift of consciousness it is possible to move freely through all experience, past, present, future, alternate time lines, and dimensions.

*gyroscope at wikipedia:

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