At this time of new beginnings and my own desperation, I implore you now to provide me with the opportunity, means, and direction to do what I’m here to do. Please make it clear to me NOW.
Although you feel as if you have been flailing about without purpose and direction, in fact you have been deepening – incorporating the knowing that has until this time been a mental awareness only. This knowing is permeating your cells – the very molecules of your being. The process is penetrating so deeply within you that your conscious mind is unable to perceive it. It is at once a shattering of long-standing structures and an organic evolution of something unrecognizable blended with the familiar, to synthesize a new beginning.
Remember, with the change of conceptualization comes change of the world. And a change of perception – a shift, a pivot of perspective – makes the world anew. There are certain awarenesses that once experienced, change everything so completely that the experience is discontinuous, and the possibility for truly original creation is birthed. It is moments such as these that are the pivot point of consciousness – the quantum shift of which so much is spoken. This pivot point is one from which there is no turning back – things are forever changed and a new and unanticipated fork in the road has proffered the road less traveled. These moments of transformation, as we’ve said, are cataclysmic, as the eyes through wihich you see the world are changed to such a degree as to be entirely new to your experience.
The rules of the new realm are unfamiliar and the only antidote to the anxiety of the pervasive sense of disorientation is a new dimension of faith – a deep surrender to the Being that you are rather than the knowing that you’ve been. It is true that the awakening to this sense of NOW that characterizes being present to the moment, occurs through an act of grace; however it is through the priming of the vehicle than an opening for expression of that grace is made manifest.
Stripping away of false identities, false securities, false perceptions, false identification with material manifestation – whether in the realm of possessions or relationship – all of this must fall away – if only for the most brief instant, that grace may intercede and that new life may begin – that an evolutionary leap may be accomplished.
You have been asking for a miracle. In your growing desperation, you have been progressively being stripped of attachments that have held you bound. Paradoxically, it is through the fear of your demise that you are enabled to let go and become free. To finally come to a place of helplessness and hopelessness opens the door wide for a deep acceptance – or alternatively, a devastating despair. This is the critical point of choice. This is the battle with your most insidious darkness: the overwhelming depth of wrenching, endless, consuming sorrow – or the choice to embrace the true emptiness of the void – where all things are possible.
This is the paradox of creation – one must first be empty. From emptiness, the universe is born – over and over again.