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It is necessary that the shadow be embraced and integrated

So what do you have to share for today?

There is important work in which you each have a significant role, and a necessary prerequisite to engagement is that you be an integrated self, that you be whole. The denial of the parts of self which do not meet the image of the way you would like to see yourself will keep you stuck living in a one-dimensional shell that cannot fully engage in the multi-dimensional world. It is necessary, as we’ve said on multiple occasions, that the shadow be embraced and integrated  as part of the whole. Then and only then, with self-acceptance, is it possible to enable yourself to interact with life as it is, with the world as it is. With the release of the resistance to the truth of your being, you are freed to recognize and interact with the truth of circumstance.

Many of you have been undergoing a passage, a passage through the dark caverns of the soul, facing your despair and the demons of your lower inclinations. As painful as you have found it to be, this is noble and necessary in order to come to the place of wholeness required for the work at hand. You see, it is by freeing yourself, your mind and spirit, from the constraints of the limitations you have imposed through your judgment, that you enable yourself to flow with the currents of life, that you enable yourself to be truly responsive to the requirements of a given moment.

This is really all about removing the resistance, resistance to the pure experience of life. With recognition and acceptance comes a greater level of responsibility, a greater accountability. Acceptance is not license to take action motivated by the darkness. Acceptance is the path to freedom from the power exerted by the darkness. When seen in the light of love the power of the darkness is dissipated.

What is this call to action you keep referring to?

It is a call to consciousness even more than a call to physical action although there is also much action to be taken. As consciousness expands, action will become a natural outgrowth of the new awareness. So the action of the moment is to be aware, be accountable, pay attention to the world you perpetrate with the interpretations of the events of your life, the behavior of others, the circumstances you confront. Be diligent in observing things as they are and steering clear of the inclination to blame. Blame robs you of your very life force by giving responsibility for it to another. Elevate your being by infusing the frequency of love into every cell of your being. Love is the key, the vehicle for elevating the consciousness and subsequently the physical manifestation on the planet.

2 comments to It is necessary that the shadow be embraced and integrated

  • Dan Hoy

    Thanks for this! A subject I battled with for years. The Buddhist concept of compassion and emptiness is the best tool I have found to integrate “the dark side” into your life. Hard concepts to understand, and even harder to practice, but when you master the two you have a true handle on all the rationalizations and judgments and all your internal stories and barriers that keep you trapped in the ego and unable to be truly free. Compassion does not only apply to others. It applies to dealing with ourselves. Hard to love somebody else unconditionally if you can’t love yourself the same way. When I feel like I am “right” instead of kind, I ask myself, “What is the hidden reward for being right?” It’s almost always an ego gratification, and those are pretty worthless stones to lug around on your search for harmony.

  • james

    Yes I struggle with others who have a need to be right and I in turn need to be right in “not having a need to be right” ;-). But seriously the way to release is through the path of a certain kind of extreme self care that releases one from the urge to feel a victim and then one gains clarity as to the burden of the other. One becomes free to be more exacting about one’s compassion to the other. I don’t think I am there yet, though there is light that knocks at the door, like a veil whose threads weaken when pulled on by a lover. The particular path I choose is an eclectic one that does not discard all things occidental.