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Finding your unique sense of purpose is simple but not easy

Please speak of how to connect with the unique purpose we are here to fulfill.

This notion of purpose is significant on multiple levels. A sense of purpose enables a focus of energy and intention which then manifests in the physical world. The challenge to find one’s purpose is an endeavor that itself is rich in its own awakening, awakening to the passions that drive you, the values that guide you, and the degree of expansiveness that you will allow in your self-perception and expression.

Finding your unique sense of purpose is simple but not easy. Simply quiet yourself to connect with the light within you and that quiet voice that is the voice of your essence. It may take time for you to be able to hear the voice, or to feel it more directly as a knowing , but rest assured that the voice and its knowing are there. In this place of quiet, simply ask for guidance in your purpose, clarity in the role you are uniquely here to play.

The question too must come from a place of quiet, from non-attachment to a response. And first and foremost, you must have a willingness to listen and to know; a willingness to accept the guidance you are given and allow the unfolding of your journey to be gently guided by this inner sense of purpose.

Purpose rarely comes forth with explicit instructions on how to proceed with the mundane considerations required in everyday life. But the sense of purpose is a seed which can be cultivated into a magnificent tree bearing fruit of deep fulfillment and wholeness if you are willing to cultivate it with love and care.

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