This past weekend was the Spiritual & Holistic Health Expo in Allentown, PA. I’ve been going to that show for the past couple years now and it is ALWAYS an enlightening/transformative experience. One of the most extraordinary highlights of the show last time was a reading with Brigitte Boyea who channels St. Germaine and Arch Angel Michael. The reading was VERY powerful and I regret having not made record of my experience. In any case, this time, I made a point of recording the reading and have transcribed it below. Unfortunately, the last few minutes got cut off but, the reading connects pretty directly to a good bit of the information that’s been coming through the writing. Pretty interesting confirmation.
“The touch is so very very important. Remember that my dear. The touch has been so forgotten in this country. There is almost a fear of touch. You are not afraid of touch. And know that in your touch, there is tremendous healing for those who come in contact with you. Your embrace, when you come heart to heart with those you hug, anchors vibration that you bring through from Sirius through your heart. It is the vibration of cosmic alliance. It is a reminder that humanity is not alone. Is INDEED not alone; has NEVER been alone, and WILL never be alone. So many are scurrying around believing that they are left behind, they’ve been forgotten. And a single touch changes everything.
Sadly in this country, too often does touch get misinterpreted, as a form of sexual abuse or other demands. And America needs to wake up again, to open up her heart again, truly open up, and you play a very important role in that because you are the harbinger of a higher love that has long been forgotten, a love that is so common on your home planet, deeply known within every cell of your body. A love that speaks of beautification, a love that speaks of togetherness, oneness, joy.
It is also that you hold a very large aspect of the Pleiades within you, that frequency of the dolphin energy, the ancient wisdom of Atlantis that is deeply within you, deeply within your third eye. The time when you were a high priestess in the temple; remember that, remember the power that you hold. And let that power come through you again, through your touch, through your eyes.
You’ve only touched the beginning of who you truly are, the beginning. And the beginning is already magnificent. Can you imagine how much more you are going to be? But know that that much more can only occur as the collective consciousness of humanity shifts too. But most importantly, remember again, remember this in every cell of your body, what love is all about. That joy, that bliss. that alignment. You ARE a carrier of the ray that is overseen by the *Maha Chohan himself.
The Maha Choan was a beacon of hope, the promise that there is a pathway home. Many of your star brothers and star sisters that have been incarnated on earth feel that they have been rejected and left behind. It is your work to draw them to you and to remind them that there is a divine plan in this; and that they have not been forgotten. So know that that is your magnetic energy that is going to start working more and more, and you have already seen the beginnings of it. Know that thoseĀ you have drawn to you are those who are incarnated from the heavens and who are lost within the earth duality; deeply stuck within matter but desperate to get out of the swamps into the freedom of the true vast experience of space. So, that being said, open your eyes and watch the synchronicity that is occurring in your life; when you suddenly stop because someone bumps into you or you help someone because they dropped something, know that there is more occurring at this moment and all you need to focus on is connecting yourself through the vibrational frequency, the center of the heart of Sirius, and bring that love through, bring that love through; through your prana into your heart and out of your heart to their heart. But it is important that you do this consciously. Yes you naturally are a channel for love but this is about doing it consciously. So, that being said, the high priest and the high priestess of the temple of love have prepared an initiation for you to a higher frequency of love. Are you ready to receive this?”
Then I ask you once again to go deep within your heart center. There within your heart center is your ancient stargate. It’s always been there. And what we ask you to do is step through the stargate and it will take you directly to the foot of the temple of love on Sirius. And now take the steps up, to the glorious temple, which holds within its sanctuary the flame of love. The temple itself is a brilliant white, a glowing type of white, out of a material that you cannot find here on earth. It appears to be crystal and yet it is not. As you enter, there are flames lit of turquoise color. They will show you the way to the inner sanctuary. As you enter the inner sanctuary, the high priest and the high priestess of the temple greet you with reverence. There is a throne, a throne for you to sit on. And as you sit on that throne, the high priest and the high priestess are activating the flame of love to come from the heavens down, through your crown, through your throat, through your heart. through your solar plexus, through your sacral chakra, through your root, all the way to the center of Sirius. Allow yourself to be in this flame and for the activation and initiation to take place.
Now both of them are stepping forward, engraving energetically unique symbols into your auric field, right at your third eye as well as your heart; to enhance your ability to bring forth this higher vibration of love to those who you come in contact with. Also around your neck they put a pendant in form of a small little capsule that holds that flame within it etherically for you. It will protect you, it will assist you in being effective regardless of how the outer circumstances appear.
So, now that humanity is going into quite a battle, a battle between light and darkness, between love and fear, know that this pendant will protect you, to not be pulled into the duality but to stay strong in the vibration of love.
Now stepping forward from another room is your twin flame who has always been working with you from the higher realms. Know that his love for you is real, that it’s not an imagination, that he will work hand-in-hand with you. In the higher realms in that sense there is not male and female so much, but more of an imprint of the masculine and feminine energy so to speak. And now, allow him to take you from Sirius back, all the way back down, through the stargate into your heart chakra, into your heart center.
Before you go, you can certainly embrace the high priest and the high priestess as they greatly revere and love you. Know that there is much work for you to do now with the initiation that you received. Mostly in any contact that you come with anybody around you it alters the feeding of this love into the grid around the earth. Now as you step back through walk out of the temple, walk down the stairs and enter the stargate that is right there, it brings you back into your heart center. Slowly allow yourself to come back to consciousness. By all means take your time as you need to integrate this higher frequency now. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Can you tell me more about the twin flame?”
“My dear, this is your journey, we triggered this for you so you would go and investigate yourself; but didn’t you always know this to be true? Know your time together is drawing closer. And his work through you will allow the higher rays of love to be more readily available to those who you come in contact with. There is more healing power in the two of you working together but the time was not right yet. So, simply ask to be in communion with him. And know he is in the etheric, but aspects of him are also in the physical.”
*Who is the Maha Chohan?
The Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit. The one who holds this office in hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit of the Father-Mother God, of Alpha and Omega, to the evolutions of this planet and to the elemental kingdom. The retreat of the Maha Chohan, the Temple of Comfort, is located on the etheric plane with a focus in the physical at the island of Sri Lanka, where the flame of the Holy Spirit and the flame of Comfort are anchored.
The Maha Chohan ministers to every person on earth as we enter this world and as we exit it. At the moment of that birth, he is present to breathe the breath of life into the body and to ignite the threefold flame that is lowered into manifestation in the secret chamber of the heart. The Maha Chohan also attends at the transition called death, when he comes to withdraw the flame of life and to withdraw the holy breath. His twin flame is Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth. (From The Masters and Their Retreats, Summit University Press, 2003)
Words from Saint Germaine
This past weekend was the Spiritual & Holistic Health Expo in Allentown, PA. I’ve been going to that show for the past couple years now and it is ALWAYS an enlightening/transformative experience. One of the most extraordinary highlights of the show last time was a reading with Brigitte Boyea who channels St. Germaine and Arch Angel Michael. The reading was VERY powerful and I regret having not made record of my experience. In any case, this time, I made a point of recording the reading and have transcribed it below. Unfortunately, the last few minutes got cut off but, the reading connects pretty directly to a good bit of the information that’s been coming through the writing. Pretty interesting confirmation.
“The touch is so very very important. Remember that my dear. The touch has been so forgotten in this country. There is almost a fear of touch. You are not afraid of touch. And know that in your touch, there is tremendous healing for those who come in contact with you. Your embrace, when you come heart to heart with those you hug, anchors vibration that you bring through from Sirius through your heart. It is the vibration of cosmic alliance. It is a reminder that humanity is not alone. Is INDEED not alone; has NEVER been alone, and WILL never be alone. So many are scurrying around believing that they are left behind, they’ve been forgotten. And a single touch changes everything.
Sadly in this country, too often does touch get misinterpreted, as a form of sexual abuse or other demands. And America needs to wake up again, to open up her heart again, truly open up, and you play a very important role in that because you are the harbinger of a higher love that has long been forgotten, a love that is so common on your home planet, deeply known within every cell of your body. A love that speaks of beautification, a love that speaks of togetherness, oneness, joy.
It is also that you hold a very large aspect of the Pleiades within you, that frequency of the dolphin energy, the ancient wisdom of Atlantis that is deeply within you, deeply within your third eye. The time when you were a high priestess in the temple; remember that, remember the power that you hold. And let that power come through you again, through your touch, through your eyes.
You’ve only touched the beginning of who you truly are, the beginning. And the beginning is already magnificent. Can you imagine how much more you are going to be? But know that that much more can only occur as the collective consciousness of humanity shifts too. But most importantly, remember again, remember this in every cell of your body, what love is all about. That joy, that bliss. that alignment. You ARE a carrier of the ray that is overseen by the *Maha Chohan himself.
The Maha Choan was a beacon of hope, the promise that there is a pathway home. Many of your star brothers and star sisters that have been incarnated on earth feel that they have been rejected and left behind. It is your work to draw them to you and to remind them that there is a divine plan in this; and that they have not been forgotten. So know that that is your magnetic energy that is going to start working more and more, and you have already seen the beginnings of it. Know that thoseĀ you have drawn to you are those who are incarnated from the heavens and who are lost within the earth duality; deeply stuck within matter but desperate to get out of the swamps into the freedom of the true vast experience of space. So, that being said, open your eyes and watch the synchronicity that is occurring in your life; when you suddenly stop because someone bumps into you or you help someone because they dropped something, know that there is more occurring at this moment and all you need to focus on is connecting yourself through the vibrational frequency, the center of the heart of Sirius, and bring that love through, bring that love through; through your prana into your heart and out of your heart to their heart. But it is important that you do this consciously. Yes you naturally are a channel for love but this is about doing it consciously. So, that being said, the high priest and the high priestess of the temple of love have prepared an initiation for you to a higher frequency of love. Are you ready to receive this?”
Then I ask you once again to go deep within your heart center. There within your heart center is your ancient stargate. It’s always been there. And what we ask you to do is step through the stargate and it will take you directly to the foot of the temple of love on Sirius. And now take the steps up, to the glorious temple, which holds within its sanctuary the flame of love. The temple itself is a brilliant white, a glowing type of white, out of a material that you cannot find here on earth. It appears to be crystal and yet it is not. As you enter, there are flames lit of turquoise color. They will show you the way to the inner sanctuary. As you enter the inner sanctuary, the high priest and the high priestess of the temple greet you with reverence. There is a throne, a throne for you to sit on. And as you sit on that throne, the high priest and the high priestess are activating the flame of love to come from the heavens down, through your crown, through your throat, through your heart. through your solar plexus, through your sacral chakra, through your root, all the way to the center of Sirius. Allow yourself to be in this flame and for the activation and initiation to take place.
Now both of them are stepping forward, engraving energetically unique symbols into your auric field, right at your third eye as well as your heart; to enhance your ability to bring forth this higher vibration of love to those who you come in contact with. Also around your neck they put a pendant in form of a small little capsule that holds that flame within it etherically for you. It will protect you, it will assist you in being effective regardless of how the outer circumstances appear.
So, now that humanity is going into quite a battle, a battle between light and darkness, between love and fear, know that this pendant will protect you, to not be pulled into the duality but to stay strong in the vibration of love.
Now stepping forward from another room is your twin flame who has always been working with you from the higher realms. Know that his love for you is real, that it’s not an imagination, that he will work hand-in-hand with you. In the higher realms in that sense there is not male and female so much, but more of an imprint of the masculine and feminine energy so to speak. And now, allow him to take you from Sirius back, all the way back down, through the stargate into your heart chakra, into your heart center.
Before you go, you can certainly embrace the high priest and the high priestess as they greatly revere and love you. Know that there is much work for you to do now with the initiation that you received. Mostly in any contact that you come with anybody around you it alters the feeding of this love into the grid around the earth. Now as you step back through walk out of the temple, walk down the stairs and enter the stargate that is right there, it brings you back into your heart center. Slowly allow yourself to come back to consciousness. By all means take your time as you need to integrate this higher frequency now. Do you have any questions for me?”
“Can you tell me more about the twin flame?”
“My dear, this is your journey, we triggered this for you so you would go and investigate yourself; but didn’t you always know this to be true? Know your time together is drawing closer. And his work through you will allow the higher rays of love to be more readily available to those who you come in contact with. There is more healing power in the two of you working together but the time was not right yet. So, simply ask to be in communion with him. And know he is in the etheric, but aspects of him are also in the physical.”