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Accept and embrace without judgment. This is the path to wholeness.

Can you offer any direction for navigating conflict in difficult relationships; how to know when to work things through and when to let a relationship go?

Relationships are a reflection of where you are in your growth at any given time. When there is chafing in a relationship, this is to be understood as an opportunity for new insight; new insight about self and about the aspects of self that have been exiled. Although it looks as if the conflict is coming from outside oneself, in fact it is a collaborative effort between your conscious awareness and your higher self to provide you with an opportunity to rise to a new level of awareness.

We realize it is easy  to become immersed in the drama of the experience and to focus on the conflict. The tendency is to indulge in self-righteousness and justification of one’s position. Although tempting to engage on this level, there is no growth in such a path. Instead we encourage you to focus inward, to recognize those parts of self that are reflected in the situation, and then to embrace and make peace with those parts. Accept and embrace without judgment. This is the path to wholeness.

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