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The impulse to make sense of your world is the impulse that keeps you bound to its limitations

I seem to tire very easily. Can you provide some insight?

The energy fluctuations you feel are due to the rapid influx of new frequencies into your field reshaping your energetic signature. There is much readjustment as you acclimate and assimilate. For you these changes register as exhaustion, your system is sensitive to the new energies and your natural inclination is to brace against what is perceived on an energetic level as an onslaught of “new”  – new data, new frequencies, new orientation. As much as your conscious mind believes you invite and want to embrace change, the truth is that the security you experience in the predictability of your current perception of the world is something you fiercely defend, perhaps because of its very fragility.

Your commitment to evolve overpowers your inclination to cling to the familiar, and the result is exhaustion from the constant struggle in which you are engaged. The good news is that the will to awaken is stronger than your need for comfort and you will continue to press through the wall of your resistance.

This dynamic is not unique to you of course; the dynamic of self-struggle between the higher self and the lower inclinations. Lower in this case is a reference to the thoughts, fears, and longings that keep one mired in a world of duality; as the Dalai Lama would say; the grasping. The grasping for meaning, for understanding; this is a fear-based response to a world beyond your control. The very impulse to make sense of your world is the impulse that keeps you bound to its limitations.

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