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Focus your attention on those who wish to move forward

Is there some kind of practice I can do to expand my ability to see? A healer told me that this ability is under-developed and that it should be growing in tandem with my ability to hear the words that lead to this writing.

You were on the right track when you began to focus your attention on visualizing the sound that you hear in your head. Lend shape and color to the sound resulting from the tinnitus as an exercise to expand your sight. Another exercise you can do is to close your eyes and focus on a particular color until you have a vivid sensation of it. Practice this with the rainbow sequence beginning with red and moving through the spectrum to end with violet. When you become proficient in evoking the colors, you can move on to visualizing an object, an apple for example. Your particular mechanism originates with sound, so you may find it necessary at first to vividly describe the apple to yourself until you have a clear image of it.

It occurs to us also that it would be beneficial to do some clearing of issues around your vision using EFT. There are things you don’t want to see that are inhibiting the expansion of this aspect of your senses.  Some part of you is aware that in seeing, you will see what is there to be seen, whether it be light or whether it be dark. You realize that you will not always have the ability to influence the direction of the light since ultimately, the direction is not yours to choose. You will be permitted only to assist in supporting the choice made by the other, in healing work that is. The choice must be respected and you cannot over-ride it, You have the opportunity to assist someone in recognizing that there is a choice to be made, but it is ultimately and always theirs alone to make.

So, despite the fact that you may come to clearly see the way out of the tunnel of darkness with which one chooses to surround themselves, it must be their choice to move through the tunnel to the light. While you may invite them to recognize the fact of the tunnel, you cannot usurp their will in any way and there will be those whom you will be required to leave in their suffering. When you see the ease with which things can be profoundly transformed, and you are faced with the determination some will exhibit in remaining stuck, you will at first find it painfully difficult to let go and allow them their freedom to suffer. This is where you must not only learn to see, but you must learn to do so without judgment. It is not yours to know the path that each person must follow.

And then there will be those who have chosen the light, have chosen transformation, have chosen to release the past and grow into their capabilities. These people you have the obligation to assist. You must focus your attention on those who wish to move forward and compassionately release those who don’t.

1 comment to Focus your attention on those who wish to move forward

  • james

    Yes there are diff paths to the light. And diff senses will be used at diff rates depending on one’s ability to assimilate truth. I would say that I need the sleep of the just before I can move fwd on my path more quickly. Purple G violet is the color of royalty the crown of truth but first one must learn the lesson of the red, hot passion / anger. So how does one learn this lesson?